Successful Cardiologist skilled at assessing conditions and devising treatments in line with latest research and treatment protocols. Proficient in EKGs, stress testing and numerous other diagnostic procedures. Builds rapport with patients to facilitate effective care. Excellent problem-solving and planning abilities.
Training in inpatient and outpatient management with arrhythmic cardiovascular disease and implantable device programming and control
May 2020 - Ongoing
Grade B
From 2004 to 2006
1. Durán, L, Altamirano, F, Bagnera, F, Chilabert, D, Escalante, J. P. (2017). Prognostic value of heart rate at hospital discharge in patients with acute failure. Rev Fed Arg Cardiol. 2017;46(3):174-177.
2. Chilabert D, Bonaccorsi H.Prosthesis-patient mismatch early after aortic valve replacement. Anuario Fundación Dr. J. R. Villavicencio. 2018;26:97-101.
3. Firpo F, Godoy F, Chilabert D, Dominguez J, Antonietta C, Lanzotti M, Diangelo S. Successful ablation of abnormal pathway in patient with Ebstein's anomaly. Revista del Consejo Argentino de Residentes de Cardiología.2018;(145):0188-0190.
4. Facciuto F, Pilón L, Storlini J, Marino F, Chilabert D. Does early recurrence of atrial fibrillation matter? Cold or hot? Revista del Consejo Argentino de Residentes de Cardiología. 2018;(144):0077-0078.
5. Facciuto F, Pilón L, Marino F, Chilabert D, Bagnera F, Zapata G. Takotsubo syndrome in a patient with hypertrophic heart disease. Revista del Consejo Argentino de Residentes de Cardiología. 2018;(146):0255-0258.
6. Facciuto F, Bojanich T, Balparda I, Sansevero A, Domingo J, Chilabert D, Escalante J. Characteristics of the hospitalized population with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction associated with severe functional mitral regurgitation. Revista del Consejo Argentino de Residentes de Cardiología. 2019;(148):0026-0028.
7. Zapata G, Bagnera D, Pilón L, Chilabert D, Lasave L. Culprit vs complete revascularization with coronary angioplasty in non-st segment acute coronary syndromes and multi-vessel disease. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72(Supl 1): 693
8. Zapata, G. Bagnera, F, Pilon, L, Tomatis, L, Chilabert, D, Dogliotti, A, López, J. Association between myocardial infarction size measured by gated-SPECT and adverse left ventricular remodeling. Rev Fed Arg Cardiol. 2020;49(4):138-141.
9. Zapata G, Bagnera D, Pilón L, Chilabert D, Lasave L. Electrocardiographic evaluation of coronary microvascular dysfunction in acute myocardial infarction and its relationship with in-hospital prognosis. Rev Fed Arg Cardiol. 2020; 50(2): 53-58.
10. Tomatis L, Chilabert D, Diangelo S, Lanzotti M. Asymptomatic ventricular preexcitation: A benign entity? Anuario Fundación Dr. J. R. Villavicencio. 2020;28:147-152.
11. Chilabert, D., Diangelo, S., Lanzotti, M., Antonietta, C., Menoyo, M., Pilon, L, Bagnera, F. Risk stratification of sudden cardiac death in subjects with asymptomatic ventricular preexcitation: diagnostic value of non-invasive and invasive methods. European Heart Journal, 43(Supplement_2), ehac544-429.