Resumen profesional
Datos destacados
Historial laboral
¡Hola! Soy

Nuria Cordoba arlettaz

Villa elisa,Entre Rios
Nuria Cordoba arlettaz

Resumen profesional

Since I was very young I have been in contact with horses. My grandfather had racehorses and from there my passion began. I have trained as a polo horse rider, horse riding and dressage. I have been an equestrian and a polo player for many years. I know both activities very well and I love horses.

Datos destacados

years of professional experience

Historial laboral

Nuria Cordoba Arlettaz
Villa Elisa , Entre Rios

2019 La Clota Polo Club
01.2019 - Actual

Historial laboral

I own my own polo school, where we have two to three practices per week. I have my own polo ponies and work with my grooms. My job is to keep both the horses and the players happy and safe.

Kitting Family
Newport , Rhode Island

Polo Groom
04.2024 - 10.2024

Club Hipico City Bell . Brandolino Marcelo
City bell , La plata

2008 Principal Equitation and dressage school
03.2008 - 12.2018

Historial laboral

Coordinate school tasks, manage grooms, coordinate horse shoeing dates, call veterinarians, manage class fees, pay teachers, etc

Mariano Gutierrez
San diego , California

2007 Polo groom
05.2007 - 10.2007

Historial laboral

Trainer , feeding, clean the boxes , saddling horses for the games and more staff

Tomas Usher
Vrelland, Holand

Polo trainer and groom
11.2006 - 04.2007

Historial laboral

I was a groom, I worked feeding, cleaning and training polo horses

Jesus Melgarejo Osborne
Puerto Santa Maria , Andalusia

Horse trainer and show jumping rider
05.2006 - 10.2006

Historial laboral

I taught at a Dressage school for children

Equitation and Dressage instructor and trainer
La plata , Buenos Aires

03.2004 - 12.2005

Historial laboral

I gave classes from children to adults in different categories, beginners, intermediate and advanced.


Catholic University
La plata

Marketing from Economic , business

Association Argentina de Polo
Buenos aires

Couch to 3 goals from game tactics

Association Argentina de Polo
Buenos Aires

Polo instructor from Teach about polo horses and students skills

Federacion Ecuestre Argentina
Club Buenos Aires de equitación

Horseman Máster from Equithation and Dressage






Hard worker


Intermedio avanzado (B2)


Polo Groom

Kitting Family
04.2024 - 10.2024

2019 La Clota Polo Club

Nuria Cordoba Arlettaz
01.2019 - Actual

2008 Principal Equitation and dressage school

Club Hipico City Bell . Brandolino Marcelo
03.2008 - 12.2018

2007 Polo groom

Mariano Gutierrez
05.2007 - 10.2007

Polo trainer and groom

Tomas Usher
11.2006 - 04.2007

Horse trainer and show jumping rider

Jesus Melgarejo Osborne
05.2006 - 10.2006


Equitation and Dressage instructor and trainer
03.2004 - 12.2005

Catholic University

Marketing from Economic , business

Association Argentina de Polo

Couch to 3 goals from game tactics

Association Argentina de Polo

Polo instructor from Teach about polo horses and students skills

Federacion Ecuestre Argentina

Horseman Máster from Equithation and Dressage
Nuria Cordoba arlettaz